Benefits of Atlanta Parking Lot Striping

Parking lot striping is mandatory in several apartment complexes, public spots, commercial spaces, and many more. If you are living in a community or condominium where parking lot is not mandated yet, then you need to understand the benefits of striping. These benefits also apply to communities that have striped their parking lots years ago and have no intention of restriping them any time soon.


Atlanta Parking Lot Striping

First and foremost, you need to understand the importance of striping your parking lots. If you are looking to achieve a structure and overall organized parking in your complex or community, then striping is the way to go about it. Lot striping should be done at least once every 2 years depending on the fading and wear and tear caused due to weather. An expert striping company will do the job in an effective fashion, but those who are tight on budget can choose to stripe the lot on their own as well. Let us check out some of the benefits of striping and re-stripping your parking lot:

Atlanta parking lot striping
Atlanta parking lot striping


  • Structure and organized lot – Your parking space will be optimized in the best fashion by striping it properly. In some cases, you could even maximize the space available to accommodate maximum cars possible. An expert professional could guide you best on how to optimize the available space. Separate lots for elderly and physically challenged drivers will also help them greatly. A well-organized parking lot will ensure that every resident or customer in the community or business get their very own designated parking lot. A guide-line sort of feel will enable elders in your community to park accordingly.


  • Aesthetics – There is a huge difference between having a plain parking lot from that of a striped one. You could see the difference visibly by choosing to stripe your lot. Commercial spaces will be restriping their lot quite often in order to enhance the overall look and appeal of their business. Property owners who have not striped their lot for years should certainly re-stripe in order to achieve best results.


  • Satisfaction – The feeling of parking your car in your designated lot is something exciting and refreshing. This is the same for customers and property owners, whether it is a commercial space or private property. Commercial properties can keep their parking lots beautiful by restriping on a regular basis, and this in turn will give a sense of confidence and satisfaction to the customer before he or she enters the commercial building.


  • ADA compliant – Striping your parking lot according to ADA guideline is also very important. Wider parking lot for vans and accessible parking lots for people with disability is a must. Striping and re-striping will only ensure that the driver is able to find their designated slot correctly. Parking lot striping should be carried out according to the rules and regulations laid by your community or state or federal government.


  • Minimize liability – A faded parking lot striping might lead to unwanted accidents, which can be avoided simply by making sure that the lines are bright and clear for drivers. By striping your parking lot, you can instruct drivers and pedestrians about the designated parking lots for cars, vans, sections where parking is not allowed, where pedestrian crossing is allowed, and so on. All of these will only ensure that the liabilities are kept to bare minimum at all circumstances.


  • Fire code compliant – A fire lane with signs and marking on curbs and pavements is mandatory according to fire safety rules. A designated fire lane will be valuable especially during emergency situations.

We have discussed about some of the key benefits of parking lot striping and re-striping. Make sure to stripe and re-stripe your parking lot as and when needed.